I woke up feeling the worst I've felt so far and with what felt like a migraine. Frustrating.
I felt so wretched that I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed until almost ten, and it was way too late to begin walking even if I could. I knew the best thing to do was take the day off, so I did. I felt so awful that I thought if I didn’t get better soon, I’d probably need to try and find a doctor and maybe have to take more time off.
I slowly made my way down to ask for another night’s stay and to try and eat some breakfast. I managed about a quarter of plain toast and a few sips of green tea. I went to sit outside in the sun for a while and felt slightly better, then gave in, popped some pills and went straight back to bed.
I woke up again in the late afternoon feeling, incredibly, much better. No headache, no nausea, just a bit weak. I lazed about watching tv for another couple of hours, until I realised I was hungry. I took my camera and headed out to find somewhere to eat.
I found somewhere serving tuna empanada and ate my meal with vigour. It was a relief to feel normal again, to have my appetite come back.
I took my time eating and so by the time I left, the sun had begun to set and cover the village in an orange glow. Since I felt okay, I decided to explore a little. It was a wonderful evening.
Hopefully, it's not another fake recovery and I'll be able to carry on walking tomorrow!
Until next time,
A x
About me
Hey! Ameena here - I’m a freelance portraiture and documentary photographer based in London. I enjoy telling stories about adventure, the outdoors, and our relationship with the natural world.
In this newsletter, I’m digitally retracing my steps on the Camino de Santiago. From March to May 2019, over 45 days, I walked over 900km along the Via de la Plata (the Silver Way) route of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain.
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Sometimes you just need a zero day!